Joaquin Buckley Wonders Why Colby Covington Has Been So Quiet In Advance Of Their UFC Tampa Fight 🤔🤐
- Posted by indyman on Nov 23, 2024
Joaquin Buckley kicks back with Karyn Bryant to talk about his upcoming UFC Tampa main event vs former Interim Champ Colby Covington. In the full interview Joaquin talks about the swap from Ian Garry to Colby, Ian vs Shavkat Rakhmonov, Champ Belal Muhammad's injury, the win over Vicente Luque in Atlantic city and his epic KO of Impa Kasanganay. #joaquinbuckley #ufc #ufctampa #colbycovington #iangarry #belalmuhammad #shavkatrakhmonov #impakasanganay #vicenteluque #karynbryant #kickbackwithkb #mma
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