KSI vs Joe Fournier | Fight
- Posted by monty9 on May 12, 2023
KSI versus Joe Fournier has been a fight everyone has anticipated ever since both men verbally challenged each other to a duel. This is supposed to be a fight between one of the most popular influencer boxers, KSI, and an undefeated professional boxer with a 9-0 record, Joe Fournier.
Being a highly anticipated match, we all can’t help but wonder how the fight between KSI and Fournie could end. Does KSI actually have what it takes to defeat Joe Fournier and ruin his perfect record? Why don’t we find out for ourselves?
Narrator: Tysmithvoice
Researcher/Writer: Emekaekwuribe
Video Editor: Raljon
Music: https://artlist.io
Stock Media Footage: https://motionarray.com/browse/stock-video
More Stock footage: https://elements.envato.com
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